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Links to documents:
Access this URL (http://www.lgf.org.uk/downloads/191)Full document[Link to copy hosted by LGF]
Access this URL (http://www.lgf.org.uk/downloads/193)Supporting document: Case studies[Link to copy hosted by LGF]
Access this URL (http://www.lgf.org.uk/downloads/194)Supporting document: Resource directory[Link to copy hosted by LGF]
Access this URL (http://www.lgf.org.uk/downloads/192)Supporting document: Minorities within Minorities - the evidence base[Link to copy hosted by LGF]
Access this URL (http://nationallgbtpartnershipdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/national-partnership-phe-final-2013329.docx)Supporting Letter from Public Health England[Link to copy hosted by National LGBT Partnership]
Download this file (FENT__1393519614_PHOF_LGBT_Companion_V7.pdf)Full document[Archive copy hosted by UK Trans Info]
Download this file (FENT__1368635831_10758_PHOF_LGBT_Companion_-_C.pdf)Supporting document: Case studies[Archive copy hosted by UK Trans Info]
Download this file (FENT__1367589046_10758_PHOF_LGBT_Companion_-_R.pdf)Supporting document: Resource directory[Archive copy hosted by UK Trans Info]
Download this file (FENT__1367588834_10758_PHOF_LGBT_Companion_-_M.pdf)Supporting document: Minorities within Minorities - the evidence base[Archive copy hosted by UK Trans Info]
Download this file (national-partnership-phe-final-2013329.docx)Supporting Letter from Public Health England[Archive copy hosted by UK Trans Info]

Brief Summary

This is a resource for all those commissioning and delivering healthcare services in order to support the delivery of an equitable public health system.

Extract from Website

The Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) published by Public Health England is based on national data collected through NHS monitoring and national surveys. Because sexual orientation and gender identity are not routinely monitored, the PHOF does not contain data related to LGB&T communities and so their health needs are not recognised in the document.

However, there is a substantial body of evidence demonstrating that LGB&T people experience significant health inequalities, which impact both on their health outcomes and their experiences of the healthcare system.

The LGB&T PHOF Companion Document has been developed by a group of volunteer experts from across the LGB&T community working with the Department of Health, to increase understanding of LGB&T health and make sure that the public health system tackles inequality related to sexual orientation and gender identity and promotes equality for everybody. The working group was formed following an LGB&T consultation event held by the Department of Health and Public Health England in October 2012, and has been co-ordinated by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation.

The LGB&T PHOF Companion Document is intended primarily for Health and Wellbeing Boards and public health teams, as well as local authorities, the NHS, and voluntary and community organisations that commission and provide services, as a resource to improve the health and wellbeing of the diverse LGB&T communities they serve.

The document follows the structure of the PHOF, providing data and evidence on LGB&T communities for each indicator and domain. It makes recommendations for actions to address inequalities in outcomes for LGB&T people and communities. Reference documents highlight best practice case studies and resources to support organisations in implementing these recommendations, as well as the evidence relating to minority groups within LGB&T.

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