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Links to documents:
Access this URL (http://hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk/courtfinder/forms/t454-eng.pdf)Guidance Document (Current Version)[Link to copy hosted by Gender Recognition Panel]
Download this file (t454-eng.pdf)Old Version (January 2014)[Archive copy hosted by UK Trans Info]
Download this file (t454-2007.pdf)Old Version (April 2007)[Archive copy hosted by UK Trans Info]
Download this file (t454-eng2.pdf)Guidance Notes (December 2014)[Archive copy hosted by UK Trans Info]

Brief Summary

Explanatory notes on how to complete a overseas track application for a Gender Recognition Certificate.

Extract from Document

This document is designed to assist applicants for a Gender Recognition Certificate who are applying on the basis that their acquired gender has been recognised under the law of an ‘approved country or territory’.

Applicants must demonstrate that their acquired gender has been recognised under the law of an ‘approved country or territory (in some countries, such as the USA, recognition of an acquired gender is done by the different states rather than by the country as a whole). If you can do this, you will automatically be eligible for a Gender Recognition Certificate in the UK. If your birth was registered in the UK you will also be eligible for a new birth certificate.

If you have been recognised under the law of a country that is not on the list of approved countries and territories you cannot apply under this procedure there is a different form for those applications.

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