This publication provides information about the various options for lower surgery (including genital surgery) for trans men.
Extract from Booklet
This publication provides information about the various options for ‘lower’ surgery (including genital surgery) for trans men. The aim of such surgery is to improve the lives of trans men, both psychologically and physically, by achieving a closer match between their genital appearance, their sexual function, and their self identification as men. It is a guide to what can, and what cannot, be achieved through surgery.
This information will also help sexual partners of trans men, by giving them an understanding of the range of possible outcomes, and the impact that these may have on their shared lives.
The information is not aimed at surgeons themselves, although it may be helpful to those medical staff who are providing other aspects of care for trans men.
The text also provides information and advice about sexual behaviours, and sexually transmitted diseases and how to avoid them.
This publication is written by the GIRES’ team that includes doctors and trans people. All the team members have specialist knowledge and experience in the transgender field. The team preparing the text, and the group involved in the consultation process, included trans men.
- Dr Richard Curtis, BSc, MB, BS, Dip BA
- Professor Andrew Levy, PhD, FRCP
- Dr Joyce Martin, MB, ChB, D Obst RCOG
- Professor Kevan Wylie, MB, MMedSc, MD, FRCP, FRCPsych, DSM
- Terry Reed, BA (Hons), MCSP, SRP, GradDipPhys
- Bernard Reed, MA, MBA
Acknowledgements to the surgeons:
- Mr David Ralph MBBS, BSC, FRCS, MS
- Mr Nim Christopher MBBS, MPhil, FRCS
- Professor Stan Monstrey MD, PhD, FCCP
Thanks to Joe Swift, Charlie Kiss and Simon Croft for their helpful comments and suggestions.